cFlex Guide // Form

cFlex License

Form Adjustments

In Dev-View at Firefox, i made nearly no resize on the inputs and buttons. I made it all flat, like all <3 actually.

form fieldset{
  padding:1.2vh 0.75em;
  border:1px solid #a1a1a1;
form legend{
  width:auto; padding-right:0.25em; padding-left:0.25em;
form label{
  padding-top:0.5vh; padding-bottom:0.5vh;
form div,
form span,
form input,
form select{
form input,
form select,
form option,
form textarea{
  padding:5.45px 0.5em;
  border:1px solid #a1a1a1;
form [type="radio"],
form [type="checkbox"]{
  max-width:16px; margin-top:1px; margin-right:1em;
form [type="radio"]{
form [type="radio"] ~label{
  position:relative; top:-2px; margin-right:1em;
form button{

button, a.cf_btn,
button:visited, a.cf_btn:visited{
  width:auto; padding:5.45px 1.42em;
  border:1px solid #a1a1a1;
  padding:5.45px 1.50em;

Preview 320px-Width Example


If you still want to edit/hack the form style, there is still space for …

form types

type: color

date & time

search form

compact inline

stacked This is a required field.

This is a required field.