cFlex Guide // Pattern

cFlex License

Blueprints Preview

body at 100vw

full width without sidebars
full width without sidebars / Screenshot

body at 100vw with left & right aside

full width with 2 sidebars
full width with 2 sidebars / Screenshot

body at 100vw without sidebar(s)

full width with nav and main at 960px
full width with nav and main at 960px / Screenshot

body at 100vw with 50vh blocks & content 1000px

full width with nav and main at 960px
full width with no sidebar at 1000px / Screenshot

body at 1000px width

main & right aside at golden ratio ( 1000px / 1.618 )
main & right aside at golden ratio / Screenshot

body at 960px with left aside

960px centered width left sidebars
960px centered width left sidebars / Screenshot

body at 960px with right aside

960px centered width right sidebars
960px centered width right sidebars / Screenshot

body at 960px centered with right sidebar

full width with nav and main at 960px
960px width golden-ratio / Screenshot